Monday 29 November 2010

Mise-en-scene Seven Title sequence.

 Analysing Seven Title Sequence - Mise-en-Scene:
First impressions are very important - that is why title sequences are highly considered when being created. You want a title sequence to be interesting, and to keep the audience interested as that is, nearly always, the first thing that the audience sees when watching a movie. This eery and very awkward-feeling title sequence has achieved its purpose in the sense that it leaves the audience with many questions in their head about the background information for this movie, this title sequence is very intricate and most shots are clear and close-up which leave the audience so questionable. We see the camera following what the character is doing but we can't figure out what they are doing as it is all close up. However, the shots are very clear and precise like the character seems to be acting with a very precise manner. We see a series of instruments that the character is using to create their work like negatives, old books and needles as terh character seems to be sewing pages together to create a book. Also, the character seems to be cutting out particular words, like 'homosexual', out of articles and carefully removing them with tweezers. You get the feeling of awkwardness and uncomfortableness when watching it as you know the character is doing unusual things like crossing out the faces of people and being very precise in their work. There are shots of photos being developed and photos of people which we are lead to guess that could be possible victims of the character, props like negatives and tape also add to the overall effect which keeps the audience guessing as to whaat and who this character is. Also, what you can see of the character isn't very pleasant as all the shots are very close up which create a mysterious sugggestion about who the character may be, and the hands of the character are dirty and bandaged up which may give some suggestion into what the person does as they seem very precise yet unknown in what they actually do as not much is given away within the title sequence. The colour seems desaturated throughout the se7en title sequence which the audience may interpret as some sort of foreshadowing related to what may happen later on in the movie. All these aspects of the Mise-en-Scene add to the intense feeling of the title sequence.

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